'From Me to We'

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“Wear the World on Your Heart” is the tag phrase for Joy Apparel, a Toronto company that is helping to change the world, one t-shirt at a time.

Each Joy t-shirt sports the same design: a line drawing of a person’s face over the left breast, and a name in handwritten script underneath.

The faces are all of real people who have uploaded their images to the Joy Apparel site with the express purpose of having their visage turned into a drawing and sold on a t-shirt.

The image here is of Megumu Seki, who presumably prompted the entire endeavour.

From the site:

Every face on a Joy T-Shirt has been inspired by a real person. When you wear your shirt you are encouraged to think about that person and how your everyday actions can affect others and the world we live in.

It’s a fascinating idea, made more interesting because unless you have purchased a t-shirt, you cannot submit a photo to be turned into a future shirt. It’s Tee 2.0!

I wonder who’s image sells the most shirts?


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