Internal Soundtrack: Your Song

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Stumbled onto a broadcast of Moulin Rouge last night, just as Ewan McGregor was meeting Nicole Kidman in Satine’s “elephant” for the first time.

“We’ll just watch this scene,” I told myself. Twenty minutes later …

I’ve done it before with this movie, the third in Luhrmann’s “Red Curtain Trilogy,” where I’d planned on watching a few minutes and looked up at the end of the film, wondering where the past ninety minutes got to.

I had forgotten just how light and playful and wonderful Moulin Rouge is. Ewan works hard to hold onto control when he sings, but I really appreciate the slight lack of polish. I was surprised that I found Nicole annoying in that scene, though. Her flitting around and high-pitched squeals set me on edge.

It helped me to turn off the television, though I made a pledge to pull the DVD off the dusty shelf sometime soon, and I’ve added the soundtrack to my iPod for the next while.

Related note:
Rewatched Strictly Ballroom a couple of weeks ago. It was Luhrmann’s first film and I highly recommend it. Super charming.


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