Why Firefox rules

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I made the switch to Mac years ago. Not long ago enough for it to bring me any cache at all, but long ago enough that I don’t consider myself to be jumping on the bandwagon, y’know?

Safari is my browser of choice, for too many reasons to get into here.

But I’ve just been playing with the new release (2.0) of Mozilla’s Firefox, and there is an add-on that just may convince me to dump Safari: Foxmarks Bookmark Synchronizer.

Now, I don’t have a .mac account, so this may be something that true Appleheads are already doing, but for me – a guy who uses four different computers and three different operating systems on a daily basis – being able to synchronize my bookmarks between computers and operating systems is a killer feature, and that’s what Foxmarks does.

I’m going to overlook the fact that for this convenience to be granted me, my bookmarks – and all the data they contain – exist on a Firefox server somewhere. I’ll pretend that’s not an issue for me because now I can alter my bookmarks on one computer, and know that with one click I can make that same change on another.


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