Tech round-up for September 23: Fall video game preview

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Categories Consumer technology | Video games

Summer was really slow for video-game releases. But now that we’re into September, things are starting to pick up.

I’m already playing Destiny: The Taken King. The developers at Bungie have had a unique opportunity to iterate this game for an entire year as players have been neck-deep in it, and the dramatic shifts made to the game’s role-playing mechanics make the game better.

For the kids, there’s a new Skylanders game, SuperChargers, that just came out, as well as the introduction of Star Wars characters to Disney Infinity. Next week, it’s Lego Dimensions, which really cracks things open in the toys-as-games space.

Read more about the games you’ll be playing this fall at the Georgia Straight

Also coming soon are new music games in Rock Band 4 and Guitar Hero Live, the next title in the gangbuster Call of Duty franchise, Black Ops 3, and a new Assassin’s Creed game, Syndicate, which moves the story to London during the beginning of the Industrial Revolution.

But the two games I’m most looking forward to are Halo 5: Guardians and Fallout 4.

Here’s a video of composer Inon Zur playing the theme to Fallout 4, and the opening cinematic to Halo 5: Guardians.


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